New members welcome! If you're interested in joining us, please come along to a rehearsal and see what you think - it's free of charge for your first few rehearsals. Rehearsals are at Eynsham Primary School on Tuesdays 7.30pm -9.30pm (school term-time only. Next term starts 7th January 2025.)
Membership fees: £80 for a half-season (September to December or January to May), £150 for the whole year September to May 2024-25.
The society's finances rely considerably on membership fees, because concert costs are not fully covered by ticket sales. We are rebuilding following the Covid lockdowns. We are very grateful for help in the following ways, if you can:
Sign a Gift Aid form when joining, if you are eligible to
Pay an extra £10 with your subscription
Become a Patron
If you wish to sing with us and find the subscription a barrier to joining, please speak to a member of the committee as we may be able to offer a small reduction.
The Patrons scheme encourages choir members and others to make an annual contribution to ECS to improve its financial base. Each patron receives one free ticket for each concert and two reserved seats.

Patrons Scheme
The Society needs a sound financial base to continue making a contribution to the district’s musical scene. Each concert costs more than £4000 to mount, most of which is contributed by the choir members and our audiences. However, funding - which is always tight - determines the musical forces available to us, the nature of works we can perform, and the quality of performance. By contributing to the Society as a Patron you will support a wonderful cause and help bring pleasure to many on the local community each year. In return you will be entitled to:
One complimentary ticket and two reserved seats for each performance; or
For double subscription, two complimentary tickets and four reserved seats.